Sunday, December 19, 2010

Dear Santa, 

I have this friend who is really sick. I love her very much and all I want for Christmas is for her to get better. I have been good this year and I don't think I am asking for to much. 

love, Athena


  1. Athena, I ♥ you.
    If this is about me, it's the sweetest thing anyone has ever ever EVER EVER EVERRRRRRR said to me.
    And I love you very much.
    Iffff it's not about me, I still love you.
    But dang you for confusing me, woman!

  2. This is so sweet x3
    Made me cry..

  3. Mia dear. I love you too! SO MUCH!! and yes it is about you :D I hope you had a wonderful Christmas!!
