I tend to not to have dreams.
But when I do they normally involve 1 of about 5 people.
So I ask you dreams, why? Why those people?
Are you trying to send me a message?
I would love to know what it is.
Hey there Alex. What's up? Ya know for a bratty 6 (soon to be 7) year old... your pretty cool. And considering your age you are quite smart. Your always asking questions and wanting to learn more. Which is a good trait to have if you ask me. I can't wait for you to get older. For me to be able to take you places and teach you cool things, I think will be pretty neat. But until then, i'm in high school and don't spend nearly enough time with you. So I apoloigze. But I do want you to know that I love you very much and can't wait to watch you grow up. Love-- Athena (your sissy)
You know those explore test we have to take as freshies? Well today we were filling out our information and part of it was putting down what we want to do after high school. There is just one problem.. I. Don't. Know. Sure when I was 3 I wanted to be a princess. And when I wa 8 I wanted to be a dancer. When I was 12 I wanted to be an actress. But now i'm 14 and i have no idea what to be. I could do anything in the world (within reason) and I can't think of one thing! So I have one question for you. What do YOU want to be?
Hey Mom and Pop. Well for starters, I guess I should say thanks. For conceving me that is. Without you I would not be here today and I wouldn't have meet you. I love you boh so much, and as far as parents go, I got pretty luckey. Dad-- I love how your always making everyone laugh. (Well mom, me, and Alex that is.) I enjoy the fact that you are so smart. And with that thanks for helping me with homework all the time and teaching me new things everyday. I've learned quite alot from you. And thanks for all the great advice. Mom-- Thanks for putting up with my teenager self these past few months. I love how your such a great person and everone thinks your the nicest teacher. And thanks for helping me with whatever problems I have. And being there for me.