Sunday, January 2, 2011

Lifetime movies have a point.. Men really DO ruin everything.

I am giving my self a pat on the back. I just got done with the most painful facebook convo of my career. The boy I am mad about (mad meaning really really like) was telling me that he likes one of my best friends. He knew I liked him (can't trust anyone these days..) and I know that he doesn't like me. But what really takes the cake is that he has been using me to get closer to my friend. 
The deed is done. I have hung my hat and am letting it sit and collect dust.
Happy New Year, indeed.

Did you know that chocolate really can fix all of your problems?

Especially when it's from the chocolate nazi. No, hes not really a Nazi you silly uneducated people. He is the owner of Northern Chocolate Company in Milwaukee. what i'm trying to get at is that the dude makes so wickedly good chocolate. not only is it like eating happiness but its also like.. well ok, basically that.  The reason we use the term Nazi to describe him is because the guy is a freak. He has all these crazy rules that you have to follow  if you want to go to his shop. A few are:
* no children
* no pets
* no garlic breath
* you may not wear fur of any kind
I don't remember them all because at the time I was a child, and was not allowed to enter the store. Plus he's only open like twice a week for like 4 hours. Weird, right? Right.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Have you noticed how guys never ask girls on dates anymore?

It's always like, "hey so we going out or what?" I know if a cute guy asked my to a movie and dinner I would totally go! For all you guys reading this (probably like 2 but that's alright..) don't be shy! Please! Girls like romance<3
I mine as well continue this little rant to say I hate the couples that NEVER do anything. Like the only way you can tell if they're dating or not is if they sit next to each other at lunch. I don't know why but it bugs me..
Speaking of guys, I'm about ready to hang up my hat and call it a day. I'm tired of waiting for my dreams (and nightly 11:11 wishes) to become reality, that's all. Plus it feels as if guys are all I ever talk about, which is annoying.
I'm in a writing mood, can you tell?
I love making fun of people who just stare at chat on facebook, wishing someone would talk to them. Oh.. whoops.. wait a second.. that's me.
Some people just bug me. I know that's horrible to say, but have you ever just gottten annoyed as soon as someone has walked into the room?
It's 11:48. I'm tired. Pleasant dreams, loveys.

Its crunch time.

Like I may of mentioned before, finals are coming up shortly. Actually, about less then two weeks.  Which means it's time I crack out the books and start studying, because I want to do well[:  I guess I'll start with French.. then probably Biology.. and English.. but what I'm really nervous for is Health. I've herd that you can get a 100% on every test, quiz, whatever, and you will still fail it. Yikes!