Saturday, January 1, 2011

Have you noticed how guys never ask girls on dates anymore?

It's always like, "hey so we going out or what?" I know if a cute guy asked my to a movie and dinner I would totally go! For all you guys reading this (probably like 2 but that's alright..) don't be shy! Please! Girls like romance<3
I mine as well continue this little rant to say I hate the couples that NEVER do anything. Like the only way you can tell if they're dating or not is if they sit next to each other at lunch. I don't know why but it bugs me..
Speaking of guys, I'm about ready to hang up my hat and call it a day. I'm tired of waiting for my dreams (and nightly 11:11 wishes) to become reality, that's all. Plus it feels as if guys are all I ever talk about, which is annoying.
I'm in a writing mood, can you tell?
I love making fun of people who just stare at chat on facebook, wishing someone would talk to them. Oh.. whoops.. wait a second.. that's me.
Some people just bug me. I know that's horrible to say, but have you ever just gottten annoyed as soon as someone has walked into the room?
It's 11:48. I'm tired. Pleasant dreams, loveys.


  1. DUDE. I rant about that all the time. No one ever cares to listen though :D
    People just DON'T do dates anymore. It either bf/gf or NOTHING. It's ridiculous. I would LOVE to go on a date without being in a committed relationship. It's just not done any more.
    You know that bugs me, too :]
    They're not all you even talk about! I promise. But I'm definitely with you on the hat hanging thing...
    Yes. I can, actually. And I'm not a writer, and I am so. Offended. [if you're not in on the joke, don't even try haha]
    OH I KNOW IT IS YOU. Hahahaha
    Haha, you should fix your post time. It says it was posted at 9:50. Don't worry, same thing happened to me.
    I love you!

  2. Mia dear, we should go on date sometime :D And show everyone what they are missing out on! I am not capable of fixing the time on my computer. And I, am So. Offended. Alright.. Let's see.. let me just put my hat up.. there. Better. (:

    Love you more(;

  3. Haha, let us!
    And I mean you should fix the time on your Blogger settings. I don't remember where it's located. But somewhere!
    -hangs hat halfway, then grabs it and runs-
    I'm not done...yet... ;]

  4. It wasn't my blog it was the computer. Oh goodness.. I wish you luck! And.. I still have to go that movie..
